B.K. Mathur

Dr. B.K. Mathur - B.V.Sc. & A.H (1980), M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (Animal Nutrition) Principal Scientist, CAZRI, Jodhpur, started his career as Instructor, Veterinary College, Bikaner in 1983, and later served as Asst. Professor, Veterinary College, Gujarat Agricultural University and had practical experience of working in cattle feed industry before joining Agricultural Research Services in 1986. His major field of work is on utilization of locally available newer feed resources in ruminant ration mineral status of arid livestock and dissemination of feeding and health care technologies to the farmers, for the last twenty six years. He has worked for international project of ILRI, Ethopia, SDC, Switzerland and ACIAR-CSIRO, Australia, and is widely travelled. He has contributed more than 200 publications.

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