He obtained M.Sc. in Botany (Plant Systematics and Biogeography) in 2002, and awarded Ph.D. degree in Botany from the Tribhuvan University in 2010. Specialized in the Himalayan Ethnobotany, Dr. Bhattarai was awarded by the Science and Technology Youth Award 2010 for his contribution on “scientific study of the traditional knowledge of Himalayan herbs”. Dr. Bhattarai has been working as a Senior Scientific Officer in the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology and involved in the Nepal Flora and Darwin Initiative project for the last seven years. He has received training on flora writing and its database management from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh-UK in 2013 and completed some major revisionary and Flora writing. In his credit, he has over two dozen papers published in the national and international journals. He was working in the international and national collaborating projects such as NUFU-Norway, VolksWagen Foundation-Germany, DFID-UK, IUCN Bangkok, etc.?