Home Books Forestry Advances in Horticulture and Forestry (Vol. 1-9)

Advances in Horticulture and Forestry (Vol. 1-9)


Advances in Horticulture and Forestry (Vol. 1-9)

S.P. Singh

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The objectives of the publication are to create awareness among all the educated masses who are interested in Horticultural activities on various vegetable crops, fruit crops, plantation crops, ornamental and landscape gardening. It includes recent research work on post-harvest handling and storage techniques, which prevent fruit, vegetable and flowers from spoilage. A few review articles are also included which give present state of knowledge for better understanding on the subject in question. Besides, popular articles give complete information on cultivation technology which act as a guideline to those who start commercial cultivation of crops. In this way, a wide spectrum of readership is expected to be created and the volume will help in spreading knowledge of Horticulture among millions

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