Home Books Agriculture Agricultural Economics Agri Numeric Solutions

Agri Numeric Solutions


Agri Numeric Solutions

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This book provides ample scope regarding different types of numerical mostly used in agricultural study. Use of numerical plays an important role in the study of different parameters in agricultural research. Agricultural experiments are associated with lot of variations in the field because of different factors. The degree of variation need to be evaluated with the help of various indices which can be calculated from the observation recorded from the field experiment. Detailed numerical calculation related to different soil and plant parameters is helpful in order to calculate different indices related to agricultural experiment. This book comprises of twenty five chapters related with various indices that are most commonly used in crop management studies covering different concepts along with suitable examples. Unique feature of this book is to provide number of outcome assessments along with answers at the end of each chapter. This book is a compilation of various numerical examples along with their solutions pertaining to agriculture for which it will be useful to students, teachers and researchers working in this relevant field. I hope this book will act as a ready reckoner for the agricultural students for their courses and competitive exams.

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