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Agriculture Herbicide Study Manual


Agriculture Herbicide Study Manual

O. D. Agrui

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This manual is designed to be used to prepare potential pesticide licensees for the Agriculture-Herbicide examination although it may also be helpful to persons preparing for the Pesticide Consultant Examination and other examinations dealing with vegetation control. At the end of each chapter are a number of study questions. After reading the chapter, the reader should test his/her understanding of the material by working through the study questions. If the reader is uncertain about the answer to any study question, referring back to the text is the preferred method. In addition, abbreviated answers are given in the back of the manual. Those should be used only as a last resort, because they are too brief for a full understanding of the concept. Reviewing the appropriate section in the chapter is preferable. Certain section of the book are taken with permission from “Apply Pesticides Correctly”, the Oregon State Department of Agriculture Core Manual, and “Weed Control-Text Supplement” of the Oregon State University Department of Crop and Soil Science. 

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