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Atmospheric Pollution By Aerosols


Atmospheric Pollution By Aerosols

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Atmospheric pollution by Aerosols is a refer-ence book and Its readreship includes academicians , researchers, consultants and professionals working In the field of environ-ment and air pollution. The essential feature of the book is an integrated appraach of monited through a case study. a com prehensive summary of the contents of book is given at the start which would be helpful to the senior workers already working in this field.

The  Contents have been divided into dif-ferent  chapters. The first chapter gives brief description of major air pollutants their Sources and effects physical and chemical parameters of aerosols and role of meteorol-agy in chapter 2. General description of air quality modelling and fundamentals of receptor models have been described in chapter 3. and 4. respectively A case study of highly polluted region is being illusteated in chapters 7. through 9. A new approach of composite receptor model was developed and has been described in chapter 10. ranking of sites in terms of stength of pollution and based upon simple indices is given in chapter 11. the last and 12th Chapter concludes the case study and suggests the future scope of the work.

The approach suggested in the book could be directly used in the field and more emphsis has been given on practical applica tion part rather than theoretical applica tion part rather than theoretical details about aerosols and atmospheric  pollution Authore and suggestions from readers.

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