Biofertilizer Manual


Biofertilizer Manual


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This biofertilizer manual is the product of the Biofertilizer Project in FNCA (Forum of Nuclear Cooperation in Asia). Eight countries, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam participate in this project. The Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Pham Van Toan, the Project Leader of Viet Nam.The biofertilizer manual is written by project members and other experts to share information and experiences of biofertilizer use in Asian countries, their effectiveness, efficient production processes, storage and application on different crops.It has the following chapters: 1) Introduction, 2) General methods to evaluate microbial activity, 3) Carriers for biofertilizers, 4) Inoculant for biofertilizers including rhizobia, non-symbiotic nitrogen fixers, mycorrhiza, phosphorous solubilizers, and 5) Quality control of biofertilizers, from advanced basic information to practical methods in each participating country.

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