Home Books Zoology Cestode Parasites of Indian Mammals

Cestode Parasites of Indian Mammals


Cestode Parasites of Indian Mammals

H.S. Nama

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The book on Cestode Parasites of Indian Mammals aims to fill the void that currently exits in the study on the systematics of tapeworms from mammals of India. It deals with history, physogeny classification, general morphology, systematic account, classified list of cestodes and their Indian hosts, host parasite list and references. The book incorporates descriptions, drawings of the parasites, diagnoses of species, genera, subfamilies, orders and keys to their identification. Also highlighted is pathogenesis in highly infective economically important groups. It is designed for senior students, helminthologists, general zoologists, ecologists, wildlife specialists and veterinarians. The book is undoubtly an improved one over the past attempts.

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