Home Books Agriculture Agriculture Chickpea (Gram) Status and Cultivation Technology

Chickpea (Gram) Status and Cultivation Technology


Chickpea (Gram) Status and Cultivation Technology

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The book Chickpea (gram): status and cultivation technology covers 13 chapters including introduction (common names; anti nutritional factors; origin; global scenario), constraints and strategies in chickpea cultivation, chickpea breeding (breeding objectives; importance of seed; varieties; donors etc.), physiology of drought tolerance in chickpea (effects of drought; physiology of drought tolerance; potential and limitations of using physiological base for development of drought tolerance etc.), production technology in chickpea, integrated nutrient management in chickpea (concept; goals; principles; objectives; need; components; of INM and constraints), use of bio-fertilizers in chickpea, integrated weed management in chickpea (concept of weed; preventive weed management for weed free crop; critical period of weed crop competition and weeding; losses extent; weed management etc.), stress management in chickpea in resilience with climate change (chickpea cultivation under stress , technology for mitigating the adverse impact of cold stress), integrated disease management in chickpea (advantages and strategies of INM; compatibility of fungicides and other agrochemicals etc.), integrated insect-pest management in chickpea including insect-pests and their management, integrated nematode management in chickpea (nematode-fungus inter-action; symptoms; management of nematodes etc.), seed production in chickpea (seed quality; categories of seed; maintenance of genetic purity; principles of seed production; seed certification etc.), safe storage ( hygiene of store; stacking of seed bags; factors affecting seed storage; sources of insect infestation; insect-pests and their management; rats; methods of fumigation; requirements of safe storage; inspection of storage etc.). It also includes text abbreviations, glossary and coloured photographs of diseases, nematodes and insect-pests

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