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Climate, Agriculture and Man Shrinking Biodiversity and Sustainability


Climate, Agriculture and Man Shrinking Biodiversity and Sustainability

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Rapidly shrinking biodiversity resources now have vital linkages to sustainability of climate and habitable environment; unsustainability of agriculture and decline in socio-economics of human values. This book considers the history of Planet Earth, formation of the continents, origin, and evolution of Life from the beginning till the present. The present status of management of agricultural production systems, Integrated Pest Management, genetically modified crops and organic agriculture besides the future role of pesticide industry in promoting holistic agriculture and conservation of natural biodiversity resources have also been discussed. Social impact of shrinkage of biodiversity resources beyond the biological means of their renewal together with the neglect of basic human rights to food, nutrition and health security have been discussed. A new beginning and agenda for future development of biodiversity resources have been proposed.

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