Home Books Agriculture Soil Sciences Detection and Diagnosis of Plant Diseases

Detection and Diagnosis of Plant Diseases


Detection and Diagnosis of Plant Diseases

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The present book Detection and Diagnosis of Plant Diseases deals with actual practical trends in modern Plant Pathology. It furnishes protocol on recent advances in bio-chemicals, biotechnological methods and aims to cover many important aspects such as Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Agricultural Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular biology. This book is designed to need the practical requirement of graduate and post-graduate students studying Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry courses by providing a ready made solution to the most of common experiments prescribed by any Indian University. Beside the latest technological development given in the book can be of interest to researchers and scientists. Most attention is given to the principal and theory behind various protocols that are expanding in details to aid understanding. It contains fifteen chapters emphasized on good laboratory practices in introduction to Plant Pathology as well as Microbiological equipments, isolation of plant pathogens from plants samples and soil samples, evaluation of fungicide toxicity by various methods, plant diseases diagnosis; field and laboratory diagnosis and important serological and molecular techniques, important biochemical methods, preparation of buffer solutions and at last is various important information related to agriculture graduate and post graduate students.

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