Home Books Agriculture Climate Change and Meteorology Disease Problems in Vegetable Production 2nd Ed

Disease Problems in Vegetable Production 2nd Ed


Disease Problems in Vegetable Production 2nd Ed

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The book entitled Disease Problems in Vegetable Production 2nd edition, is specifically prepared for under and post graduate students in Agriculture/ Horticulture and range of professionals including teachers, researchers, extension plant pathologists and elite vegetable growers. The book gives a comprehensive over-view of economic importance, symptomatology, etiology, pre-disposing factors and management of vegetable diseases employing cultural, biological, host resistance, plant extracts and chemical methods as such and in anintegrated approach so that the ravages due to the diseases remain below economic threshold level. A total of 19 chapters dealing with important diseases of vegetables like potato, tomato, crucifers, cucurbits, pea, French bean, chillies and bell pepper, onion, garlic, eggplant, carrot, sugar beet, colocasia, okra and leafy vegetables have been compiled in this book. Two new chapters on diseases of ginger and diseases of vegetables under protected cultivation as well as some important diseases of different vegetable crops left out in the first edition have been added in this edition. Besides, the book also includes chapters on common pathogens of vegetable crops, disease problems in nurseries, post harvest diseases and diseases caused by nematodes. All chapters have been updated in the light of available literature up to 2017. Symptoms, disease cycles of important diseases and different structures of pathogen(s) have also been given in the book that will not only help in better diagnosis and understanding of the perpetuation and spread of the causal pathogens but will also help in the management of these diseases more effectively. Coloured photographs of disease symptoms have also been included for easy identification of vegetable diseases.

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