Home Books Zoology Dr Bastiaan Kiauta: Odonatologist and Polymath His Life, Works and Universe

Dr Bastiaan Kiauta: Odonatologist and Polymath His Life, Works and Universe


Dr Bastiaan Kiauta: Odonatologist and Polymath His Life, Works and Universe

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Science provides an inexorable support to both the human and the nations development. The great scientists have always provided inspiration by their findings, philosophy, and understanding of the world around us. They have inspired generations of young explorers, eager to learn more about the world and motivated toward betterment with constant efforts in the quest for knowledge. The life of Professor Dr B. Kiauta, Emeritus Professor of Invertebrate Cytogenetics and Cytotaxonomy, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, President of Societas Internationalis Odonatologica (SIO) and the Executive Editor of Odonatologica, is an open book of assiduous perseverance, focused application and great mentorship. There are indeed many examples of great scientists, or for that matter - odonatologists, in the history of science, but there are certainly absolutely inevitably very few who by their energetic character not only practically educate the budding researchers in habits of industry, but by the example of diligence and perseverance which they set before them, largely influence the scientific activity in all directions and contribute in a great degree to form the national character, or more precisely, the world order! This book, Dr Bastiaan Kiauta: Odonatologist and Polymath His Life, Works and Universe , conveys a great lesson that nothing creditable can be accomplished without application and diligence.

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