Home Books Zoology Dynamics of Insect Behaviour

Dynamics of Insect Behaviour


Dynamics of Insect Behaviour

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In this book, state of art situation in patterns of behaviour is presented by the authors, each with expertise in respective fields on diverse aspects such as pollination, predation and parasitism, forest and agricultural pests, besides the dynamics of aquatic insects in general and dragonflies in particular, in addition to insect vectors of diseases. The need for an appreciation of the differentiation processes controlling growth and development of plant galls has been adequately emphasised, these galls representing highly regulated growth manifestations of plants, ensuring nutrition and shelter for the insects concerned. Behavioural shifts of insects due to current climatic changes and their implications in insect conservation and control are also highlighted. This book will be relevant to the undergraduate and particularly graduate students taking courses in insect ecology and evolution, conservation biology and environmental management as well as to committed researchers in these fields in addition to conservation practitioners eager to have a comprehensive background of the multifaceted aspects of insect behavioural dynamics.

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