Home Books Agriculture Agricultural Economics Evaluation of Watersheds in India

Evaluation of Watersheds in India


Evaluation of Watersheds in India

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Director of Agro-Ecosystem (Rainfed Farming) and Scientific Advisory Panel, National Agricultural Technology Project, CRIDA (ICAR), Hyderabad approved the sanctioned the budget of Rs. 87,59,000 to study the impact of watershed development programme on sustainability of land productivity and socio-economic development (ROPS-14 14A). Preliminary survey was conducted at 37 locations under different agro-ecosystems in India. However, final survey was conducted at 31 locations under different agro-eco regions covering 40 farmers in watershed development programme area and 40 farmers in non-watershed area at each location. Ten farmers of each category (marginal, small, medium and large farmers) were selected based on stratified random sampling technique. Trained Field Investigators collected data from farmers at different locations in India. Proformance covered natural resources, vegetation, watershed programme activities executed in watershed area, cropping programme, resource use in crop production, constraints and perception of farmers, cost and returns from crops and other enterprises, effect of soil and water conservation etc. Data were collected from the head of each household. Thus it covered about 1240 farmers in watershed area and 1240 farmers in non-watershed area. It covered 9 watersheds managed by National Watershed Development Programme for Rainfed Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, 6 watersheds managed by Ministry of Rural Development, 7 watersheds managed by Indian Council of Agriculture Research through its institutes, 5 watersheds managed by International Funded Agencies and 4 watersheds managed by Non-Government Organizations. Thus, we covered 5 different agencies. The study/surveys were conducted in arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and sub-parahumid regions in the country. Even different soils such as Alfisols, Vertisols, Inceptisols, Entisols, Aridisols, Cryothids, Verticsols etc. were covered. Different crops grown in India were also covered. Thus different agencies managed watersheds, different agro-ecosystems, various soil types etc. were covered for this study. The book indicates about raise in groundwater, soil erosion, runoff reduction, surface water generation, damage to soil and water conservation structures, productivity of crops, employment, income, benefit-cost ratio, perception of farmers on different problems etc. between watershed and non-watershed areas at each location under different agro-cliamtic conditions in India. Recommendations were made based on results, observations made during tours and discussion with staff of watershed programme etc. This book provides comprehensive idea about watersheds in India.

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