Home Books Botany Flora of Upper Liddar Valleys of Kashmir Himalaya Vol. 2

Flora of Upper Liddar Valleys of Kashmir Himalaya Vol. 2


Flora of Upper Liddar Valleys of Kashmir Himalaya Vol. 2

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The Publication of this second and concluding volume on the flora of one of the undoubtedly most picturesque areas in the Kashmir Himalaya has been encouraged by the wide acceptance of the First Volume among the students, teachers and scientifically inclined lay people alike. The Flora of Upper Liddar Valleys covers 764 species and 341 genera under 86 families. Of these, 463 species under 211 genera belonging to 51 angiospermic families from the materials for the present volume. The treatment followed and parameters used for the present study are in faithful adherence to those employed in the preparation of the Volume 1. The present volume is illustrated again by the senior author himself, this time with as many as 108 pen and ink drawings a feature strongly enhancing the credibility and scientific appeal of the work.

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