Home Books Forestry Forestry: A Subjective Guide for IFS Aspirants

Forestry: A Subjective Guide for IFS Aspirants


Forestry: A Subjective Guide for IFS Aspirants

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This comprehensive book on Forestry entitled "Forestry - A Subjective Guide for IFS Aspirants" is written primarily to cater the needs of aspirants preparing for the Indian Forest Service and other state forest service examinations. The book deals with a wide range of forestry topics which includes basic concepts like Forests and Forestry, Silviculture, Forest Management, Forest Mensuration, Forest Utilization, Wildlife Management, Forest Protection, Forest Policy etc. besides technologies, applications including the latest developments in the forestry sector.

The book covers the entire forestry syllabus of the UPSC-IFS examination and hence will be a ready reckoner for those in search of information from a single textbook. It will also be of immense use equally for Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes offered in State Agricultural Universities, ICFRE institutes and other conventional Universities offering Forestry and Environmental Science degree programmes. Graduates of other science and engineering programmes interested in IFS examination will find it to be an ideal source for their examination preparation. The book also serves to be a valuable guide for professional Foresters in the State Forest Departments of the country.

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