Home Books Botany Taxonomy and Medicinal Plants Fungi in Human and Animal Health

Fungi in Human and Animal Health


Fungi in Human and Animal Health

R.K.S. Kushwaha

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This book has been a pleasure to edit contributions from leading authorities in their field of specialization on diverse aspects of role of fungi with a hope that this approach will stimulate worldwide interdisciplinary studies of fungi in relation to human and animal health. The contributions included in this book deals with dermatophytes and their relatives and other disease causing fungi Recent knowledge on Rhinosporidium seeberi is an additional chapter. Different aspects of mycotoxigenic fungi including Fumonisin B and bioactive products of fungi are discussed in realtion to human health. Mushroom development in the light of human health is last but one chapter. The book, which is directed to all those concerned with human health should be useful to the microbiologists, medical mycologists, dermatologists, veterinarians, biochemists, biologists and to the young students and layman.

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