Home Books Agriculture Agricultural Economics Grassland Techniques and Management

Grassland Techniques and Management


Grassland Techniques and Management

L.N. Singh, Antaryaml Singh & Janardan Singh

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Grassland comprises about one fourth of the world s vegetation and serve as an important source of forage for various kinds of livestock. In Certain regions, due to small per capita land holding, grasslands meadows and forests are the only source of forage. Productivity of grassland particularly in developing countries is low due to lack of knowledge of various biotic and abiotic factors and their interaction, high livestock. Pressure per unit area, non adoption of any grassland management practices and lack of resources. The books Grassland Techniques and management gives information on techniques to adopted for the study of botanical composition, ground cover, forage evolution, range condition, assessment of grassland Production carrying capacity, livestock unit, seed treatment and soil test which provides basic knowledge of various biotic and abiotic factors affecting grassland production. The details of principles and methodology of various grassland management practices including reseeding of grasses, introduction of legume, fertilizers application, control of shrubs, grazing management etc. Has also been presented chapter on fodder trees and browser, forage conservation and herbage quality presents valuable information on various related aspects of grassland improvement and management. Book Shall be useful to field Staff of forestry, Animal Husbandry and agriculture in knowing about methodology to be adopted in the study of present status of grassland and its improvement and management. It shall also be useful to research workers and students of animal husbandry, forestry and agriculture in general.

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