Home Books Water Methods and Guidelines for assessing sustainable use of soil and water resources in the Tropics

Methods and Guidelines for assessing sustainable use of soil and water resources in the Tropics


Methods and Guidelines for assessing sustainable use of soil and water resources in the Tropics

A. Lal

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This monograph provides methods and guidelines for assessing soil quality parameters, and broad rang of indicators which denote processes, that can be used to assess sustainable use of soil and water resources. The choice of indicators depends on land use, farming systems and eco-region. In terms of water quality, dissolved and suspended loads and concentration of agricultural chemical are relevant indicators are required to conduct the analyses. The monograph provides scientists and decision-makers in developing countries a quick reference to the subject. It is not intended to provide a recipe for every situation one can encounter but broad guidelines for consideration. The extensive reference list gives the reader an information base to consult.

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