Home Books Agriculture Climate Change and Meteorology Objective Plant Pathology 2nd Ed.

Objective Plant Pathology 2nd Ed.


Objective Plant Pathology 2nd Ed.

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The book 'Objective Plant Pathology' is designed to cover all the topics of Plant Pathology. It aims to benefit by acquiring new information and improving the level of competence in various competitive examinations like ARS-NET, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology. The books which are often recommended for preparation of Plant Pathology, have been thoroughly consulted to formulate the MCQs in this book. Recent information has been added from several research and review articles. It is expected that the readers would be able to test their preparation as well as gain new insight into the subject. With more than 3,000 MCQs on various aspects of the subject, this book can serve as a repository of objective questions in Plant Pathology.

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