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Research Methodology in Plant Science 2nd Ed


Research Methodology in Plant Science 2nd Ed

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The book comprises of different chapters associated with methodology in Plant Science (Botany), describing in a simple and comprehensive way. The importance of creativity and motivation in research, the planning and proposal of research project, the description of different scientific techniques involved in research are described in an elaborate way. It also includes the sources/collection of scientific information, method of scientific report/paper/thesis writing etc. The book is also a source of different aspects of research methodology tailored to the needs of postgraduate students/research scholars for easy understanding. The book is also profusely illustrated. Compared to the first edition, the entire text has been thoroughly revised and updated in addition to the inclusion of four new chapters (Recent Advances in Electrophoresis, Chromatography – Latest and Advanced Techniques, Polymerase Chain Reaction and Photon Counting and Photo-Multiplier Tubes). We hope this edition will be more useful to the readers and will continue to serve the purpose more effectively. 

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