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Rural Marketing


Rural Marketing

Sawalia Bihari Verma , M. Narayan & P. Thryambakam

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The venture has been made to provide a comprehensive knowledge and background on Rural Marketing in India. It makes recent feed-back available to the readers and policy maker, marketer and so on. The venture highlights the following important aspects: Rural marketing: Issue and Challenges Rural Marketing and Rural Development Boosting Rural Marketing System Rural Marketing: The Mantra for sustainable growth Rural Marketing in India Corporate Strategies Changing face of Rural Marketing Rural Marketing in India: An Empirical investigation Management of Rural Fair price sheps Impact of information Technology on Rural Marketing Challenges faced in communication by Rural Marketing Changing face of marketing cooperatives Co-operative marketing: A Rural prospective Marketing cooperatives in Agriculture: Emerging challenges Social Marketing and their relevance Changing Scenario of Rural Marketing Emerging Trends and strategies in Tourism Marketing.

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