Home Books Agriculture Climate Change and Meteorology Text Book of Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management : (As per Syllabus of V Dean’s Committee, ICAR)

Text Book of Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management : (As per Syllabus of V Dean’s Committee, ICAR)


Text Book of Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management : (As per Syllabus of V Dean’s Committee, ICAR)

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The book “Textbook of Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management” has been written to fulfill the requirement of undergraduate students of agriculture faculty considering the syllabus of V Dean’s committee of ICAR. This book attempt to present the available information on dryland/rainfed agriculture and watershed management in a very simple, and lucid language in easily understandable manner. The book contains chapters on an introduction to rainfed agriculture, soil and climate, drought, soil and water conservation techniques, water harvesting, crop management, contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions and watershed management.
The student community may harness the benefit from this book by understanding the fundamentals of dryland/ rainfed agriculture and watershed management. I hope this book will be very useful for the students, teachers, extension specialists and others interested in rainfed agriculture.

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