Home Books Agriculture Climate Change and Meteorology Wetland Phytodiversity A complete guide to Indian Helobieae

Wetland Phytodiversity A complete guide to Indian Helobieae


Wetland Phytodiversity A complete guide to Indian Helobieae

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Aquatic ecosystem and aquatic plant diversity holds a key position in maintaining the floristic diversity of India - one of the 12 megabiodiversity centres of the world. It provides the material basis for the sustenance of thousands of floral and faunal aquatic life forms. This book ``Wetland Phytodiversity : A Complete Guide to Indian Helobieae deals with 75 plant species belonging to the aquatic families of angiosperms under the group Helobieae. Distribution of the taxa, their life forms, floral as well as pollination biology, phenology, chromosome numbers, etc. have been dealt with proper care towards better understanding of the affinities, intra - and interfamilial relationships of the taxa. Chapters on phytogeography, pollen morphology, fossil records etc. will be very much helpful for future workers in tracing origin and segregation of this important aquatic group of angiosperms. Apart from the text 20 maps/figures, 66 illustrations, 24 plates have been provided in the book.

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