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Principles of Agricultural Meteorology
Principles of Agricultural Meteorology
B.M. Mote & D.D. Sahu
ISBN : 9788172339098 Book Format : Book
Binding : Paper Back
Language : English Edition : 1
Imprint : Scientific Publishers © Year : 2014
Pages : 197 Trim Size : 5.50 X 8.50
Weight : 220 Gms
Print Book $8.00 $6.40 20%Off

The book contains the information from the basics of meteorology to the applications of agrometeorology, including chapters on remote sensing, global warming and climate change. Weather Forecasting and Agromet Advisory Services , the popular areas of agrometeorology, are also included in this book.


Dr. A.B. Waghmare


N.S.B. Agricultural College  Markhel Ta Degloor Dist. Nanded

Table of Contents

1. Meteorology
1.1. Meaning and definition
1.2. Scope and importance
1.3. Atmosphere
1.4. Agroclimatic regions of India
2. Agricultural Meteorology
2.1. Definitions of agro–meteorology
2.2. Scope and importance of agricultural meteorology
2.3. Relationship of agro–meteorology with other branches of science
2.4. Effects of weather parameters on crop growth, development and yield
3. Solar Radiation
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Processes of heat transfer
3.3. Factors affecting solar radiation
3.4. Factors affecting radiation profile
3.5. Radiation balance
3.6. Instruments for measuring solar radiation
3.7. Net radiation
3.8. Energy balance/ heat budget
3.9. Laws of radiation
3.10. Radiation balance in the Earth–Atmosphere system
3.11. Global energy system
3.12. Greenhouse effects
4. Air Temperature
4.1. Units of temperature
4.2. Factors affecting air temperature
4.3. Temperature variation
5. Wind and Pressure
5.1. Atmospheric pressure
5.2. Wind
5.3. General air circulation in the atmosphere
5.4. Pressure belts
5.5. Classification of wind movement
6. Condensation
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Necessary conditions for condensation
6.3. Forms of condensation
6.4. Cloud formation
6.5. WMO cloud classification
6.6. Cloud observation
6.7. Humidity
7. Precipitation
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Three states of water
7.3. Forms of precipitation
7.4. Processes and mechanism of precipitation formation
7.5. Hydrological cycle
8. Indian Monsoon
8.1. Introduction
8.2. South–West monsoon
8.3. North-East monsoon (winter monsoon)
9. Drought
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Drought
9.3. Types of drought
9.4. Types of agricultural drought
9.5. Agricultural practices to be taken under drought conditions
10. Weather Forecasting and Agromet Advisory Services
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Observational network
10.3. Types of weather forecast
10.4. Methods of weather forecasting
10.5. Importance of weather forecasting
10.6. Agromet advisory services
11. Micrometeorology
11.1. Definitions
11.2. Microclimatology
11.3. Micrometeorological studies
11.4. Artificial modification of microclimate
12. Remote Sensing
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Types of remote sensing
12.3. Importance of remote sensing
12.4. Applications of remote sensing
12.5. Advantages of remote sensing
12.6. Disadvantages of remote sensing
12.7. Methods of identification of objects
13. Crop Modelling
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Significance of crop modelling
13.3. Uses of crop growth models in agricultural meteorology
13.4. Types of models
14. Global Warming and Climate Change
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Effect of global climate change on agriculture
14.3. Causes of climate change
14.4. Adaptation or mitigation action
15. Agrometeorological Observatory
15.1. Introduction
15.2. Types or classes of meteorological observatories
15.3. Selection of site for agrometeorological observatory
15.4. Exercise
15.5. Meteorological elements, their units and instruments
16. Measurement of Air and Soil Temperature
16.1. Introduction
16.2. Aim
16.3. Description of the instruments
16.4. Formula to convert temperature
16.5. Precautions
16.6. Calculations of mean temperatures
16.7. Hour of observation
17. Measurement of Rainfall
17.1. Aim
17.2. Description of the instruments
17.3. Installation
17.4. Exposure
17.5. Measurement of rainfall
17.6. Self–recording rain gauge
17.7. Intensity of rainfall spell
18. Measurement of Evaporation Rate
18.1. Aim
18.2. Units
18.3. Pan evaporimeter
18.4. Procedure
18.5. Observations to be recorded
18.6. Installation
18.7. Time of observation
19. Measurement of Wind
19.1. Introduction
19.2. Aim
19.3. Instruments required
19.4. Measurement of wind direction
19.5. Units
19.6. Observation
19.7. Measurement of wind speed
19.8. Observations
19.9. Installation
19.10. Care and maintenance
19.11. Units
20. Measurement of Bright Sunshine Hours and Radiation
20.1. Introduction
20.2. Instruments
20.3. Procedure
20.4. Measurement of sunshine
20.5. Installation
20.6. Precautions
20.7. Radiation instruments
20.8. Units of measurement
20.9. Precautions
21. Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure
21.1. Introduction
21.3. Working principle
21.4. Other instruments
22. Measurement of Relative Humidity
22.1. Introduction
22.2. Objectives
22.3. Psychrometer
22.4. Different measures of humidity parameters
22.5. Description of Dry–bulb and Wet–bulb thermometers
22.6. Relative humidity
22.7. Hygrograph
22.8. Micro-Climatic Pole (MCP)
22.9. Artificial ventilated psychrometer
22.10. Hour of observation
23. Study of Automatic Weather Station
23.1. Introduction
23.2. Working principle of automatic weather station
23.3. Precautions
24. Preparation of Synoptic Charts
24.1. Meaning of synoptic charts
24.2. Synoptic codes
Selected References
Objective Questions

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