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Bioinformatics and Computational Technologies


Bioinformatics and Computational Technologies

K.R. Chowdhary

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Bioinformatics and Computational Technology deals with the applications of computers for understanding a gamut of biological phenomena using instrumentation techniques of Chemistry and Physics. New frontiers of knowledge have started rapidly appearing in this highly interdisciplinary field, which attempts to integrate diverse types of data to gain insight into the highly complex world of living beings. This shift to data-driven biology has led to the need of new computational technology for carrying out speedy research to open ever-expanding horizons of knowledge in the field of Bioinformatics. In conclusion, this book brings in sharp focus the following challenging areas for research in Bioinformatics and Computational Technologies. Design of efficient algorithms for : Finding similarities among strings, such as proteins of different organisms Detecting certain patterns with in strings as genes, introns, and alpha-helics Constructing physiologenic trees to express evolution of organisms whose DNA or protein structure is currently known Classifying new data according to previously detected sets of annotated data and reasoning about micro-array data and the corresponding behaviour of pathways. It is hoped that this book will fire the imaginations of the researchers so that new horizons of knowledge are created with ever-increasing speed in the field of Bioinformatics and Computational Technologies for unraveling mysteries about how living systems metabolize, grow, reproduce, regenerate and combat diseases.

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