Home Books Botany Taxonomy and Medicinal Plants Morphology of the Angiosperms

Morphology of the Angiosperms


Morphology of the Angiosperms

A.J. Eames

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This book has been prepared to bring together, in some measure, the results of these many scattered studies for the results of these many scattered studies for the use especially of advanced students and teachers. It reviews much of the new factual material and many of the theories, old and new, related to the morphology and phylogeny of the angiosperms. Limitations in size of the book have restricted detailed descriptions and discussions of hypotheses, but the author believes that the important aspects of description and hypothesis are covered. In the manuscript, the names of plants that serve as examples are placed at the end of the sentences, set apart by a dash. The taxa cited are not necessarily the only examples. The book assumes, on the part of the reader, an acquaintance with botany equivalent to that obtained from a general elementary course, although some elementary descriptions and discussions are, of necessity, included. 

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