Scientific Publishers offers more than 1000 titles in ebooks dealing in the field of agricultural sciences, biological sciences, forestry, environmental sciences and veterinary sciences.


eBooks (Showing 1 – 10 products of 10 products)

Remote Sensing For Natural Resources Management & Monitoring

Mahesh Gaur / R.K. Goyal
Hard Bound
  • 123.00 : 98.40

Disaster Perception and Management

T.S. Chouhan
Hard Bound
  • 117.00 : 117.00

Remote Sensing : Principles and Applications (2 Ed.)

A.N. Patel / Surendra Singh
Hard Bound
  • 52.00 : 52.00

Thar Desert in Retrospect and Prospect

R.P. Dhir / S. Kathju
Hard Bound
  • 125.00 : 125.00

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